ARER team works closely with the clients to understand their requirements and develops strategies for bidding selected EPC ,EPC+F and PPP tenders.
We assist our clients to bid to deliver infrastructure for a third party, we can help ensure your proposal is watertight and aligned with the needs and expectations of all parties through:
- Expressions of Interest (preparation and marketing, evaluation of responses)
- Requests for tender (development, commercial structuring,bid evaluation)
- Setting up a bidding consortium
- Risk analysis (identification and quantification)
- Leading & managing development of responses to EOI and Request for Tender stages Preparing comprehensive financial modelling & Bill of Quantities
- Providing strategic commercial and financial advice
- Arranging finance leading negotiation with contracting party financial close support for EPC+F ,BOT ,PPP Projects
- Assisting on preparation of authentication of tender documents
- Leading negotiation with contracting party
- Assisting on preparation of Bid security from Local banks
- Participating to bid on behalf of our clients and represent to them
- Assisting on making project site visit
- Monitoring bid process and result
- Preparation of market reports and local material prices
- Analysis of tender documentation (instructions) and gave advises to the client with respect to tender procedure
- Drafting an action plan for the client in relation to their participation in the EPC tenders
- Identifying qualified sub-contractors for awarding contracts
- Assist in the preparation of tender submission document